About DIY Junk Removal SEO

From: Israel Saucedo, EX Truck Driver Turned Digital Marketer.

So, why create this website?

Well, I have been in digital marketing, online marketing, and SEO services since 2018. Over the years I have seen a lot of changes in the industry.

One of those was seeing how much and how often local business owners, like junk removal business owners, get contacted by digital marketing agencies on a daily basis

Many of those agencies offer terrible services and are very often extremely expensive services. 

I have seen junk removal companies get charged $1200, $1800, and even as high as $2,500 monthly for SEO services!

The crazy thing is, SEO and doing it yourself isn’t all that difficult. 

If a lifelong truck driver like myself learned and mastered this skill, why can’t a local junk removal business owner do it too?

Look, I will be upfront and let you know that there are some “hard costs” to doing SEO, but into high numbers, you are being led to believe.

So, why pay an agency $10,000 to $25,000 a year for something they can set up and do for themselves in no time at all? 

For this reason, I built this website and my DIY Junk Removal SEO Training Course. 

If you haven’t filled out the form on my Home Page to get access to my 100% FREE Crash course that outlines everything you need to do to get your business found online.

Israel Saucedo
Junk Removal SEO